Annual Membership Appeal In Progress

Annual Membership Appeal In Progress

Your membership is so important to the Nordic Center.  If you haven’t made a financial commitment for 2023, there is still time.  With a goal of adding 50 new members or renewals by May 31st, we definitely will be able to move forward with the quality programming our constituents have come to appreciate and expect.  Please support us by selecting your membership level HERE …

Give to the Max is a statewide outpouring of support for thousands of nonprofits and schools across Minnesota! 

Our Giving Holiday is scheduled for Thursday, November 16, but you don’t have to wait to support the causes that mean the most to you. Early Giving started November 1.

Click the image below to make a gift to the Nordic Center!

Nordic Music Workshop with Sara Pajunen

Nordic Music Workshop with Sara Pajunen

 Join us on Sunday, April 16th  for the sixth and final in a series of workshops taught by Sara Pajunen.

Songs of Iceland will be featured together with some new tunes from Nordic countries.

Bring an instrument to play, learn about the history of Icelandic music and join with musicians for an afternoon of pure joy! 

The workshop begins at 2:00PM and ends at 4:00PM. There is a cost of $10.00 per session. 

You can register HERE as well as be notified of future dates