Worn Within: How Did Sølje Become Norwegian Heirlooms?

WATCH: Sølje is not your ordinary jewelry – it possesses magical powers.

Sølje, meaning “shiny” or “sunny” in Norwegian, is the traditional jewelry of Norway. It is the umbrella term for all Norwegian silver jewelry or adornment.

This is Liz Bucheit. As a woman of Norwegian descent, Liz grew up with many sølje jewelry and traditions, but she never fully understood the complexity of these heirloom pieces until her schooling in Ireland and Norway. There, she learned the history and artistry of her traditional jewelry, and she now teaches, as well as repairs and designs her own sølje jewelry collection called Crown Trout Jewelers.

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Crowns Galore!

See some of Liz's beautiful crowns in the Nordic Center's show: "Nordic Crowns & Beyond: In Praise of Women."